Application Instructions


Follow the membership application instructions carefully. If you have questions or encounter problems at any time during the application process, contact the CSCTR Executive Office at (414) 273-2209 or

Online Application


  1. Type all required information into the appropriate fields on the on-line application.
  2. Upload Biosketch and at least one (1) letter of recommendation from your institution or letter of recommendation from a current CSCTR member.
  3. Recommendation letter guidelines:
    • Provide in the letter information on the applicant’s significant independent investigative achievements, or, if the applicant has functioned as part of a large group of investigators or as a collaborator with an established investigator, make clear the individual’s role and independence;
    • It is useful to cite major articles that document the applicant’s independent or central contribution to the work;
    • Up to three articles may be submitted in support of the applicant;
    • It is useful to list recognition of scientific achievements such as awards, prizes, grants, support or scientific sessions which the applicant chaired. Other evidence of scholarly achievement might include educational and administrative roles within the divisions and departments. As a guideline, “investigation” can be defined in its broadest sense. Holding a national, federal, or private grant is not a prerequisite.
  4. Deadline Date: All membership applications must be approved by the CSCTR Council, which meets 3-4 times per year. Upon submission of an application, you will be notified when the next review and approval will take place. You will not be charged dues until your application is approved.

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